Yes, I have joined the pop and twist card fan club. We did this at our Fall Craft Weekend and everyone loved it! Here are the instructions I gave out at the retreat.
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And now, here are my samples! The first one I am going to show you is the very first pop up & twist card that I ever did. I was using older papers from a bag under my craft table as I didn’t think it was going to see the light of day. (Typically I learn something when I do fancy folding cards and end up scraping the first one or two.) Not this one, and I LOVE how it turned out. I just put it in the mail today for a friend. After I had successfully mastered the card, and I was finding (creating) things to decorate it, I knew who it would be going to as soon as I had used it as a sample for people to look at!
The flowers are all done with the new Flower Market Cartridge. (Loving it!) Hint, I needed to add an extra 23 cents when I mailed it.
This next sample is more a result of me playing with the new cricut explore and the cool layers in our images on our cartridges. I have a feeling this will be going to a 2nd grade teacher soon!
The papers are fundamental papers and everything else is cricut cuts!
Happy Crafting!

As an attendee at the retreat, I can tell you this was a super fun card to make. It took me a couple of times through before the technique really clicked, but well worth the effort. I have gone on to make at least 6 more and have many, many more planned for the future.
My advice???……. Give it a try!
This is a fun card to make and I made several at the retreat. Another friend also found a version of this card to make into a snowman! I will be giving that a try this coming weekend.
I also was blessed to attend Amanda’s crafting weekend! I can’t wait to show my crafting girlfriend down south! Snowbird Wendy 😎