
Techniques #2 & #3

Here they are, numbers two and three in our technique tag series.    (See the information at the end of this blog to learn how you could win all 35 of these technique tags in this series.)tag_bkgstamp_samp

Background Stamping: 

In this sample I rolled some clear plastic wrap to form “rosettes,”  (top left)  in the middle sample I crinkled up some clear plastic wrap and pounced it on the paper.  The last example I wrapped a piece of paper towel around a block, inked it then stamped on the paper.   Other items around your house that make for great backgrounds include onion bags, bubble wrap, orange sacks and many other everyday items.  I would love to see or hear about your creative background stampings.tagclub_bckgrdstamptag_bckstamp_ins

Sanding Cardstock:

Sanding cardstock is a great way to add texture or interest to your work.   With CTMH’s white core cardstock, you have great opportunities  to customize your work in several ways.    You can crinkle it then sand.  You can sand just the edges, sand over objects like a key, paperclips or coins, and you can play with directional sanding to bring interest to your work.

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Here is the sample from club night.

Here are the stamp sets I’ve used in this example, and many of the other tags that we will be looking at in the upcoming posts:

C1605 Happy to Be Friends

D1632 Amour

I also used Seaside papers (X7192B)

Our awesome markers were also put to use throughout this process of creating the technique tags.

Contest Information:

Now you might want to know how you can earn chances to win this great prize.   There are several ways.  Write a comment on this post.  (1 entry)   Share this post link on your Facebook post and let me know on my FB page Crafting with Amanda that’s you’ve done it.  (1 entry per share).  Like my FB page.  (3 entries)  If your a pinterest person, for every technique tag you pin, you receive an entry.  (up to 35!)    At the end of the contest I will assign each entry a number and using a random number generator will pick a winner.  I will announce the winner on this blog, and then contact them to get the address where the tag book should be sent.

If you would like a copy of my technique instructions file,  leave a comment with your email and I will send it to you.

Happy Crafting and Good Luck!