I decided to take control of my eating. To help with that, I have been focusing on crafting. So far this is working well for my eating, my office/studio is a mess however.
Today I would like to share my “owl” quilling project. I didn’t know when I started it was going to become my owl project, but it did, and I’m happy with it. I think I’m going to enter it in to the fair for judging. 😉
I am not sure why I didn’t think of this earlier, but I got out my spray pens with re-inker & alcohol and started to spray a canvas. LOVING the results.
When I started quilling, I would create just to try new techniques, so I have several containers with flowers, leaves, this and that. I dumped them on my desk and found some that worked with the colors on the pallet.
Once I created the “C,” it needed something so I posted this on facebook to ask for ideas. The feedback was great, but I just couldn’t figure out how to create fireflies with quilling. So, instead I decided to do an owl. (Besides, I loved doing all the beehive quilling I did on the tree for the Winnie the pooh project. and knew it would fit for the feathers.)
Once again, the quilling didn’t go the way I thought it would, but took me in a different direction. Sometimes you have to let the project lead.
Owl done, but still needed something. Did some google searching for key words like wisdom, knowledge, life. . . and in the process was inspired and decided to go with Knowledge Speaks . . . Wisdom Listens.
Happy Crafting!

Ok this is not something I want to try quilling, it’s beautiful, just don’t have patience. The technic you did on the canvas I’d like to learn that.